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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 2, 2020

Lepreclawns Lucky Shamrock Drinking St Patrick’s Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Lepreclawns Lucky Shamrock Drinking St Patrick’s Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Lepreclawns Lucky Shamrock Drinking St Patrick’s Shirt     I was just trying to get the agreement that it’s utterly wrong to bring about animal suffering for no reason, but I just don’t think it’s fair people saying it’s karma when an innocent baby has involved Lesley Hatfield anthropomorphization, the Lepreclawns Lucky Shamrock Drinking St Patrick’s Shirt ignorance that renders you unable to understand survival.      I don’t think it’s fair to say Karma is involved since none of yall look Hindi to me. Human life is top of the list for most important things if you feel sorry for the bear over two humans getting killed then you really need to see someone You can see the official design here:  Lepreclawns Lucky Shamrock Drinking St Patrick’s Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

Big Bang Theory 15th Anniversary 200 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Big Bang Theory 15th Anniversary 200 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Big Bang Theory 15th Anniversary 200 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt It doesn’t have to be a teacher. I’m sure some training would be involved. Someone will step up because it is the Big Bang Theory 15th Anniversary 200 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt thing to do. Teachers are already underpaid and overworked but I guess we can add security guards to their resumes while still underpaying them. If the teacher wants to and qualifications then they can carry a gun. No one is forcing teachers to carry a gun if they do want to. But having some armed teachers plus armed security guards again makes criminals and evildoers think twice before wanting to carry out heinous acts against schools that have these deterrents. You can see the official design here:  Big Bang Theory 15th Anniversary 200 20...

Heroes Come And Go Legends Live Forever Rest In Peace Kobe Bryant 1978-2020 Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Heroes Come And Go Legends Live Forever Rest In Peace Kobe Bryant 1978-2020 Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Heroes Come And Go Legends Live Forever Rest In Peace Kobe Bryant 1978-2020 Shirt I came out of school with 220k in debt mostly from grad school. There is no way I could have worked while in school. And couple hundred bucks I might have made per week waiting tables would have been a drop in the Heroes Come And Go Legends Live Forever Rest In Peace Kobe Bryant 1978-2020 Shirt . I make over 6 figures now and have been paying on my loans for almost 5 years on an income, driven payment plan and have seen my balance grow to almost 300k due to interest. No way I could have started a family or purchased a home with that kind of payment. I’ve just accepted I’ll probably die with my loan debt. You can see the official design here:  Heroes Come And Go Legends Live Forever Rest In Peace Kobe Bryant 1978-2020 Shirt See more great t-shirt...

I have ms I don’t have the energy to pretend I like you today shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! I have ms I don’t have the energy to pretend I like you today shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  I have ms I don’t have the energy to pretend I like you today shirt He killed fifty and wounded fifty more at that time. Linda Jordan Sadly she is right. McCain even said it himself. He gave in. Gave up the I have ms I don’t have the energy to pretend I like you today shirt he helped the enemy.people. Dianne Elizabeth Which Decade turned you so far Right that you saw Ivan was the only guy who could fix everything in Russia. McCain spent two years campaigning solely on the repeal of Obamacare, he won his last election because of it, yet, he cast the deciding vote against repealing Obamacare just to say FU to Trump. McCain couldn’t have cared less about Americans dealing with the failing Obamacare it was pure revenge for a sour, bitter old man with a brain tumor. You can see the official design here:  I have ms I don’t have the energy to pr...

Jack Skeleton Shamrock Happy St.Patrick’s Day Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Jack Skeleton Shamrock Happy St.Patrick’s Day Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Jack Skeleton Shamrock Happy St.Patrick’s Day Shirt But it’s in our books when we enlist or get commissioned. don’t give in. don’t say a thing. It is like these boys and girls apply the Jack Skeleton Shamrock Happy St.Patrick’s Day Shirt and do it. Not climbing fences or just walking right over the border. Much of America choose to live like North Koreans. Getting their world view from ridiculous rhetoric and having no ambition to ever see anywhere other than America. They have a warped sense of what their country is and unfortunately, is they have a president very much in their own image. it wasn’t easy and I know it was hard for him. You can see the official design here:  Jack Skeleton Shamrock Happy St.Patrick’s Day Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

Kentucky Nick Richards Nate Sestina Ashton Hagans Ej Montgomery Signatures Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Kentucky Nick Richards Nate Sestina Ashton Hagans Ej Montgomery Signatures Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Kentucky Nick Richards Nate Sestina Ashton Hagans Ej Montgomery Signatures Shirt The fund for the heroes should never run out of money. So many victims/survivors are still suffering from 9, 11. So many are suffering from cancer or have sadly passed away from cancer or other deadly diseases caused by the Kentucky Nick Richards Nate Sestina Ashton Hagans Ej Montgomery Signatures Shirt , dust I have no issue with the bill being renewed, but it should not be a permanently funded. Tonya Hardwick none is diverting money from defense and an emergency fund that was budgeted by Congress. My photo American heart was taken in after 911. A symbol of unity and healing. You can see the official design here:  Kentucky Nick Richards Nate Sestina Ashton Hagans Ej Montgomery Signatures Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Sh...

March Guy rare to find great when found Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! March Guy rare to find great when found Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  March Guy rare to find great when found Shirt But I was too young then took a knee injury playing softball my senior year. This needs to happen. I just want someone to explain why the March Guy rare to find great when found Shirt benefits to include healthcare and workman’s comp is not sufficient. If this is an attempt to seek federal to defray expenses. That’s fine but it seems, in this case, this is adding redundancy that is not required. The days of idolizing the Hollywood people are ending thankfully my wife promised me we would only watch the first 15 minutes of the Oscars, I did last five minutes, the but with all this political correctness and additional crap. You can see the official design here:  March Guy rare to find great when found Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

Pikachu I’m not chubby I’m Gigantamax Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Pikachu I’m not chubby I’m Gigantamax Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Pikachu I’m not chubby I’m Gigantamax Shirt A shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a president who does not conform. Let’s all come talk about how we are not watching the Pikachu I’m not chubby I’m Gigantamax Shirt so everyone knows we are snowflakes. Not watching the Oscars doesn’t mean we’re snowflakes. It means we don’t care to sit there and listen to trash bashing our president for half the night because they are snowflakes. Get it right. Angie Esposito O’Dowd oh really. People watch channels with commercials. I thought that went the way of dinosaurs. You can see the official design here:  Pikachu I’m not chubby I’m Gigantamax Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

This Is For Rachel TikTok Meme Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! This Is For Rachel TikTok Meme Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  This Is For Rachel TikTok Meme Shirt I actually think the nuclear war will cool the earth, not because of the This Is For Rachel TikTok Meme Shirt , but simply because so many human beings have been purged, the emitted decreases enough for the earth to return to its rightful temperature. Which, we call nuclear winter. When so many factories and cities and military installations get nuked in the Happiness is watching Friends. You have the rights to believe in God, fairytales or anything you wish, but it is your personal belief and has nothing to do with science and climate change. You can see the official design here:  This Is For Rachel TikTok Meme Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

Grandpa’s Biker Gang Liam Emma Noah Isabella William Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Grandpa’s Biker Gang Liam Emma Noah Isabella William Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Grandpa’s Biker Gang Liam Emma Noah Isabella William Shirt They should live in a tent in freezing weather. If anyone on this thread dislikes or hates it is simple, quit watching it and go to the Grandpa’s Biker Gang Liam Emma Noah Isabella William Shirt propaganda channel fox fake news. Lol, Byron how on the hell can make this horrific tragedy about their hate for trump. One family lost 7 members, including kids. Cnn your liberal, based hate is truly disgusting. Rump will go down in history as the dumbest president ever. If you’re guilty and you know it, tweet some more.if you’re guilty and you know it tweets some more. You can see the official design here:  Grandpa’s Biker Gang Liam Emma Noah Isabella William Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

Someone Literate 2020 Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Someone Literate 2020 Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Someone Literate 2020 Shirt The world is moving towards automation for many services and there is going to be a point where there just won’t be enough jobs to sustain our population. The Someone Literate 2020 Shirt are too foolish to realize that this would be the result of insisting on too high of a minimum wage. Loss of jobs. They think money magically appears out of thin air. The minimum wage was never meant to be a living wage. I understand that children want to immediately get paid Bill Gates kind of money without any training or experience. You can see the official design here:  Someone Literate 2020 Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

Tooth Shamrock Happy St.Patrick’s Day Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Tooth Shamrock Happy St.Patrick’s Day Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Tooth Shamrock Happy St.Patrick’s Day Shirt I will always be here to keep you safe. Even if we disagree sometimes on what is best for you. Remember this. I love you and every decision I make is what I think is going to be. Even though you don’t understand. When I left it was the Tooth Shamrock Happy St.Patrick’s Day Shirt thing I could do for you and your brother. If I’d stayed, you would have watched me slowly killing myself with the life I lead. I hope one day you understand that what I’ve done I’ve done for you because I love you so much. Remember Mother’s and Daddy’s story about the Banyon tree in San Juan. In that story, multiple trunks and one canopy like a family. You can see the official design here:  Tooth Shamrock Happy St.Patrick’s Day Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

You Can Change the World Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!!  You Can Change the World Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  You Can Change the World Shirt Next time someone hands you their phone to see a photo, watch a video, etc ask yourself if you think they washed their hands last time they went to the You Can Change the World Shirt . I even use anti bac on piano keys before I play it. I don’t trust people to be clean anymore. It terrifies me and totally shocks me at just how many adults and children don’t wash their hands after going to the toilet. It’s basic hygiene to prevent so many germs from being spread around. It’s the first thing you teach your children to do, even more, important once they’re in school. You can see the official design here:  You Can Change the World Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

America The Veteran The Myth The Legend Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! America The Veteran The Myth The Legend Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  America The Veteran The Myth The Legend Shirt I understand what you’re saying. However, one of the points and benefits of legalization is to standardize the market so as it relates the strength of the America The Veteran The Myth The Legend Shirt , if legal, the consumer can choose the strength to treat his or her needs as opposed to buying it illegally and there is no way to know what you’re getting. An example might be apples, at the grocery store you can get different types of apples depending on if you like sweet, tart, soft, firm, etc. Growers can do the same with MJ so buyers could choose a milder strain. You can see the official design here:  America The Veteran The Myth The Legend Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

Steal It Back Houston Astros Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Steal It Back Houston Astros Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Steal It Back Houston Astros Shirt Your out old man the Gateway drugs are the drugs coming from the pharmaceutical companies like oxycodone Valuum Percocet Percodan. As much as I hate to say this, but, Joe has a seat. The only reason why politics are involved in the Steal It Back Houston Astros Shirt they are is to protect big pharma. Medical Marijuana is not what most people would get from the streets. It’s pure and clean. It helps those in pain when they don’t want to have a dependency on pain meds. I haven’t in years but anyone who ever has knows better. If anything it makes people behave themselves. He is not up to speed. He needs to retire. You can see the official design here:  Steal It Back Houston Astros Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

Saint Patrick Mahomes shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Saint Patrick Mahomes shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Saint Patrick Mahomes shirt I’m a nurse practitioner I’ve had countless patients tell me that marijuana has done more to help them than western medicine. So I get both sides of the Saint Patrick Mahomes shirt . I think it just depends on the person because some people just have addictive personalities and if you know this about yourself I feel you should stay away from anything that can alter your judgment. He said the exact same thing. Now he’s off drugs completely but in his case weed was definitely his gateway drug. But Patrick Tyler even though I may not agree with you politically. I definitely do agree with your stance on marijuana is a helpful alternative for a lot of people. You can see the official design here:  Saint Patrick Mahomes shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

Pie I Read The Word Everything Ales Is Blah Blah Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Pie I Read The Word Everything Ales Is Blah Blah Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Pie I Read The Word Everything Ales Is Blah Blah Shirt I wish it was, I actually think it would help curb the opioid crisis and it’s way less dangerous than alcohol. Don’t trash talk all Dems, a lot of us smoke and have since the seventies. I was a child of the Pie I Read The Word Everything Ales Is Blah Blah Shirt . Not everyone I knew who used marijuana moved on to other drugs, but I can say that all the people I knew who used other drugs had started with marijuana. That was not true of the kids I knew who drank. They mostly stuck to alcohol. Never proven to be a gateway to anything the biggest gateway to stronger and more dangerous drugs is a mental illness, not the prior use of cannabis. You can see the official design here:  Pie I Read The Word Everything Ales Is Blah Blah Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

Make Today A Nick Day Kinda Day Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Make Today A Nick Day Kinda Day Shirt  is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Make Today A Nick Day Kinda Day Shirt I live in Flint Michigan and I know all about gang bangers and drug problems and drug addicts. It’s got nothing to do with marijuana and most people I know that smoke it are middle-aged professional people. I’m not talking about doing away with laws and regulations. If it’s legal in your city or your state, your not allowed to walk down the Make Today A Nick Day Kinda Day Shirt and smoke it and that’s a good thing. But it’s a very beneficial, natural alternative 4 people. It’s safer than prescription drugs and it’s safer than alcohol. I’m all for legalization of it. I really like Joe Biden but he made a big mistake with that statement. You can see the official design here:  Make Today A Nick Day Kinda Day Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

Love Sunflower Cannabis Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Love Sunflower Cannabis Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Love Sunflower Cannabis Shirt It can’t be researched legally in the US without specific DHS approval and only marijuana kept in the Love Sunflower Cannabis Shirt of Mississippi vault. Other countries have done some research and recently discovered a connection with psychosis in adolescents. It’s not harmless. It should be declassified and properly researched. And as a former drug counselor, I agree with Biden. We have plenty to deal with already legal mind-altering substances now. Our own federal government has a patent on cannabinoids. GW Pharmaceuticals is purely cannabis-based. You can see the official design here:  Love Sunflower Cannabis Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

Houston Astros Hate Us Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Houston Astros Hate Us Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Houston Astros Hate Us Shirt Not to mention all the other countries that it is legal like Israel. You people might not have a clue what phytocannabinoids are, not me. It needs to be legalized federally. As it stands, banks won’t touch marijuana money because the Houston Astros Hate Us Shirt are federally insured. Growers literally pay their taxes with cash. It’s dangerous. He supports decriminalization. He supports removing it from federal controlled substances lists. He supports legal medical marijuana. He supports expunging those with prior convictions. He supports states’ rights to decide if it’s legal or not. He’s right to be cautious. You can see the official design here:  Houston Astros Hate Us Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

Dr Seuss The Cat In The Hat Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Dr Seuss The Cat In The Hat Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Dr Seuss The Cat In The Hat Shirt I’ve never heard of anyone in the graveyard for marijuana. But I can’t say the same for alcohol, tobacco and prescription drugs. A 2011 study in mice shows how tobacco products could act as gateway drugs, opening the Dr Seuss The Cat In The Hat Shirt to the use of illicit drugs. Nicotine, the researchers found, makes the brain more susceptible to cocaine addiction. The finding suggests that lowering smoking rates in young people might help reduce cocaine abuse. Your mind rewires itself around an expectation of the drug. You might have no trouble stopping today, but at some point years down the road, you might notice you never stopped and use it daily. And then the question is could you stop. You can see the official design here:  Dr Seuss The Cat In The Hat Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

Bowden JR Come See About It LBJR Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Bowden JR Come See About It LBJR Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Bowden JR Come See About It LBJR Shirt The anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and anti-anxiety properties of marijuana make it a good candidate for treating asthma. Marijuana may also address some of the Bowden JR Come See About It LBJR Shirt with conventional treatments like puffers. It’s not that like that type of thing. If anything, it’s a step down for heroin addicts to stay clean. It’s not that like that type of thing. If anything, it’s a step down for heroin addicts to stay clean. When you have legal states that actually prove the opposite of the gateway drug argument. This is in spite of several studies finding that both unscheduled drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, pose a significantly deadly risk to public health it is not the case with the much-maligned but medically effective cannabis. You can see the official design here:  Bowden JR Come See About It LBJR Shirt...

Bernie Sanders Fight The Power And Public Enemy Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Bernie Sanders Fight The Power And Public Enemy Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Bernie Sanders Fight The Power And Public Enemy Shirt Next time someone hands you their phone to see a photo, watch a video, etc ask yourself if you think they washed their hands last time they went to the Bernie Sanders Fight The Power And Public Enemy Shirt . I even use anti bac on piano keys before I play it. I don’t trust people to be clean anymore. It terrifies me and totally shocks me at just how many adults and children don’t wash their hands after going to the toilet. It’s basic hygiene to prevent so many germs from being spread around. It’s the first thing you teach your children to do, even more, important once they’re in school. You can see the official design here:  Bernie Sanders Fight The Power And Public Enemy Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

Bang Foul Poles Not Trash Cans Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Bang Foul Poles Not Trash Cans Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Bang Foul Poles Not Trash Cans Shirt I don’t get it I know a lot of people that didn’t go to a higher drug yes I do understand that you get that certain feeling and then you lose it after a while but that just means find a better strain. People don’t suck penises for alcohol either they buy cheap nips at the Bang Foul Poles Not Trash Cans Shirt package store. It’s still an addiction. I guess progress also means getting rid of stop & frisk to allow criminal gang bangers the freedom to roam our streets with guns blazing & drug dealing everywhere. I respect your opinion and recognize your legitimate concerns, but I work at a dispensary so you’re barking up the wrong tree on this one. You can see the official design here:  Bang Foul Poles Not Trash Cans Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

Alonso Degrom 2020 Ya Gotta Believe Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Alonso Degrom 2020 Ya Gotta Believe Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Alonso Degrom 2020 Ya Gotta Believe Shirt I watched this the other night with my kids. Good episode. I was wondering why I hadn’t seen it before. I did not even realize it was new. Because democrats are imitations of life forms and aberrations of human beings. They are the Alonso Degrom 2020 Ya Gotta Believe Shirt of a fractured party and are incapable of attending any function and sitting, listening or behaving like adults. You’re looking and sounding pretty pathetically Russian you sad old crusty troll. You’re jealous of a free American woman who won’t capitulate to the socialist morons of society You can see the official design here:  Alonso Degrom 2020 Ya Gotta Believe Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt

Bald Wall Brad Guzan Big Shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! Bald Wall Brad Guzan Big Shirt is now available at Wisptees. Proceed to store here:  Bald Wall Brad Guzan Big Shirt So if death sentences are decreasing it seems all the more reason to get rid of the worst of the Bald Wall Brad Guzan Big Shirt. How about finding a way to cut through all the red tape and make the process cheaper. Also, how can anyone say having the death penalty does little to keep people from committing a crime. that’s your opinion. Maybe if someone was to kill a family member or loved the one you might have a different opinion. You sound like liberals with illegals that kill people. How you delusional conservative sheep conveniently forget this fact. You can see the official design here:  Bald Wall Brad Guzan Big Shirt See more great t-shirt designs here: Shop Trending Shirt